- 2 Parties & SAVE: Sept. 28, Silly Goose Black Light Paint & Sip AND Oct. 5 Ceramic Truck Paint & Sip
2 Parties & SAVE: Sept. 28, Silly Goose Black Light Paint & Sip AND Oct. 5 Ceramic Truck Paint & Sip
Come to TWO parties and save!!
Party #1
Silly Goose Black Light Paint & Sip
At Hungry Run Wine Cellars, Lewistown
Tuesday, September 28, 6;00pm-8:00pm
Goose Day Fun! Get your Good Luck Goose Day Action!
Expect the Unexpected! Music and occasional black light along with painting twists and turns!
Each painter will also receive a complimentary stemless wine glass engraved with the Goose Day logo and designed by the MCHS art students.
No Art Skills Needed. Pre-drawn 11x14 wrapped canvas.
Choice of colors and designs. Fun Step-by-Step Instructions.
$30 each.
Party #2
Ceramic Truck Paint & Sip
At Brookmere Winery, Rt 522, Belleville
Tuesday, October 5, 6;00pm-8:30pm
- ceramic truck: 13 ½ L x 6 ½" W x 5 ¾" H
- mini pumpkins or gourd to put in truck bed
- choice of acrylic paints. No kiln firing required. You may take your truck home after the party. Yay!
Judy will lead you through the steps to paint your ceramic truck. Or paint at your own speed. Light refreshments included. No outside alcoholic drinks. Wine room closes at 6:30pm
$43 each.
Paint Both and Save! $65 to attend BOTH parties.
No refunds, but you may transfer your tickets to someone else. Don't miss out on all the fun!!