- Family Drop-In Painting Party
Family Drop-In Painting Party
per item
Pay Now to Guarantee Your Canvas.
Tuesday, September 12,
Drop-in anytime between 3:00pm – 7:00pm
at Sweet Frog, Burnham
12”x24” pre-taped canvas with the word “FAMILY”
All ages welcome. Come with 10 people, 4 people, or just by yourself.
Kids, Parents, Grands, Cousins, Neighbors – everyone is welcome – no questions asked!
Includes everything you need to make a special keepsake canvas.
When you come:
- Sign in
- Gather your supplies and colors
- Sit where you want and personalize your canvas
Plan 1 to 1 ½ hours depending on your design. Take your time. Relax, eat, enjoy!
Judy will be available to give guidance as needed.
Various patterns will be available.
Frozen yogurt is NOT included in the price.
WIN Sweet Frog gift cards:
- Pre-register and pay by September 10.
- Two winners of $10 gift cards will be drawn
- One winner of a $25 gift card will be drawn
Event Cost: $25.00
A very limited number of walk-in canvases will be available.
**NOTE: You MUST arrive no later than 7:00pm in order to paint.
Please note your approximate time of arrival.
Tuesday, September 12,
Drop-in anytime between 3:00pm – 7:00pm
at Sweet Frog, Burnham
12”x24” pre-taped canvas with the word “FAMILY”
All ages welcome. Come with 10 people, 4 people, or just by yourself.
Kids, Parents, Grands, Cousins, Neighbors – everyone is welcome – no questions asked!
Includes everything you need to make a special keepsake canvas.
When you come:
- Sign in
- Gather your supplies and colors
- Sit where you want and personalize your canvas
Plan 1 to 1 ½ hours depending on your design. Take your time. Relax, eat, enjoy!
Judy will be available to give guidance as needed.
Various patterns will be available.
Frozen yogurt is NOT included in the price.
WIN Sweet Frog gift cards:
- Pre-register and pay by September 10.
- Two winners of $10 gift cards will be drawn
- One winner of a $25 gift card will be drawn
Event Cost: $25.00
A very limited number of walk-in canvases will be available.
**NOTE: You MUST arrive no later than 7:00pm in order to paint.
Please note your approximate time of arrival.