- Custom Artwork Request
Custom Artwork Request
per item
In order to start your custom painting, you must:
NOTE: After I show you my painting, you have 1 minor edit allowed. If I can easily make an edit, there will be no charge. If I need to begin a new painting to meet your requests, another full price "Custom Artwork" request must be paid.
NOTE: If you have 40 or more people attend your painting party, this fee will be removed from your bill. Therefore, the custom painting request will be FREE. Only ONE "Custom Request" fee will be removed from your bill.
Before paying, please let me know if you have any questions.
- Contact Painting Parties by Judy with your detailed request. Provide as many photos as possible. I will not copy someone else's work, but I will use it for inspiration.
- Pay for this service.
NOTE: After I show you my painting, you have 1 minor edit allowed. If I can easily make an edit, there will be no charge. If I need to begin a new painting to meet your requests, another full price "Custom Artwork" request must be paid.
NOTE: If you have 40 or more people attend your painting party, this fee will be removed from your bill. Therefore, the custom painting request will be FREE. Only ONE "Custom Request" fee will be removed from your bill.
Before paying, please let me know if you have any questions.