- Plant & Paint with Mom
Plant & Paint with Mom
per item
Bring a child or special needs guest to paint & plant with you.
Please List EACH CHILD in Comments.
DOES NOT include a wooden planter or plants!
Must be accompanied by a paying adult.
- Refreshments, Water
- Coupon for a free Fairy Garden Item
- Garden Gloves
- Variety of Paints, Patterns, Brushes and Assistance as Needed.
Tuesday, June 25, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
In Aisling Hall at the Juniata Valley Winery, Mifflin
Bring quarters to add fairy garden “yard sale finds”
You may bring a “picnic” meal to eat in the pavilion before it begins.
Opens for event at 5:15pm (not before).
Children or Special Needs Guests are $10 when accompanied by a paying adult.
NO REFUNDS: But you may transfer your seat to someone else.
ONLY TEN Children Tickets Available.
VERY Limited # of Seats!! Don’t wait to sign up. Fill a table of friends!